We are available to make deliveries on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!
Steps to an easy online order:
- Pick which day works best for your delivery. Remember we only do deliveries Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Once you have picked a day, pick a time. The times are located directly under the calendar.
- Once the form pops up, please provide your email, name, and phone number in the provided boxes.
- In the drop down box (where it says Label),please give us your address, what kind of product you are looking for, the quantity you are looking for and if you will be home at the time of drop off. If you will not be available please leave descriptive instructions on where you would like your product dropped off at.
- Payment must be made at time of delivery, (we only accept cash or check). If you will not be there at time of delivery please leave descriptive instructions as to where the payment will be. Example: Taped to door, on the porch, etc.
Disclaimer: Our drivers will try their best to deliver around your chosen time, but that may vary due to other delivers or unexpected delays. If there is a delay that will cause them to be significantly later, we will contact you.